Laser Eye Surgery EyeResearch.Co.UK
Laser Eye Surgery. Excimer laser techniques to correct myopia and astigmatism.
Risk and Side Effects
Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (PTK)
Laser Vision Correction is an elective surgical procedure designed to make a change in the curvature of the cornea. Because it is surgery, there are certain risks that must be considered. Since each person reacts to the procedure in a unique manner, the result cannot be guaranteed, although it is more predictable than any previous refractive procedures.

Thanks to modern techniques and technology, serious complications are rare. The complications that may arise from refractive surgical procedures are:

  • Pain & Photophobia
  • Infection.
  • Undercorrection/Overcorrection requiring eyewear to improve level of vision necessary to perform daily activities.
  • Glare/Halo/Starburst at night.
  • Induced astigmatism.
  • Haze
  • Regression.
  • Decrease in best corrected visual acuity.
  • Healing response that does not meet expectations.
  • Grittiness.
  • Dryness

Although surgery will reduce your dependency on glasses and/or contact lenses, there is no guarantee that you will not need to wear glasses and/or contact lenses following laser vision correction.


Laser Eye Surgery. Excimer laser techniques to correct myopia and astigmatism.